Re: libseed-list faster sprintf?

There was some momentum (a long while ago) by the looks to unify the Stuff

gjs is being used heavily by the gnome-shell team, also from what I gather due to the fact it worked first.

Now they have used all those JS 1.8 features, it makes switching to seed more difficult.

> - imports.module only looks for 'module.js' for files, not 'module.*'
> - runs __init__.js (nice way to keep a module in 
> submodules)
I think seed does this - search for __init__ in the importer code.

> - JS 1.8 language features (let, iterators, [a,b,c] = foo(), etc..)
Those are all dependant on webkit, from what I've heard there has not been much traction on it.

I can't see any issue if we add printf() in C, it's a pretty handy feature.


 --- On 17/Jun/2010, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote: 
> I'm not sure I follow you.. gjs doesn't seem to have print() nor 
> Seed.sprintf(), but only log(). Do you mean that if one needs to port 
> scripts from Seed to gjs, then one can just copy the Seed.js code?
> One could still have a sprintf.js in the tree for that purpose, but have 
> a fast sprintf in C. I find sprintf("foo %d: %f",i,x) much nicer and 
> clearer than "foo "+i+": "+x, plus the additional precision and width 
> features.
> BTW, what is the current situation on gjs vs seed?
> One thing I don't like with gjs is that I never got it to build so I 
> haven't actually tried it out ;)
> But looking at the source, some things I miss in seed are:
> - imports.module only looks for 'module.js' for files, not 'module.*'
> - runs __init__.js (nice way to keep a module in 
> submodules)
> - JS 1.8 language features (let, iterators, [a,b,c] = foo(), etc..)
> /Jonatan
> Alan Knowles wrote:
> > Keep in mind that there is some concern about keeping gjs and seed reasonably compatible. so writing the printf in Javascript enables both libraries to use it.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Alan
> > 
> >  --- On 17/Jun/2010, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote: 
> >> Why not rewrite Seed.sprintf in C, using g_strdup_sprintf()? It would 
> >> probably be a lot more efficient. If there are no reasons not to, I will 
> >> be happy to provide a patch.
> >>
> >> Also, it would be nice with a prints() (or something) that doesn't add a 
> >> newline.
> >>
> >> /Jonatan
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