[LaTeXila] I have found a bug in latexila.


I am a latexila user and have some mail with the latexila author.

In this time i want to report a little latexila bug.

I have installed latexila 2.1.0 using git.

When I look up a word in a document using latex Control F  a program
section appears below in the latexila window with a text entry that
allows to do the search. Any text that is placed in this manualy text
input is adequately sought and found in the document.

But even with the active cursor in the input text search if you paste
text into the text entry area to search in the document is that the
text is pasted into the document and not in the text to search entry.

This is not a big mistake, but the program behaves in a manner not expected.

Many thanks  for creating and developing latexila. I spend several
hours each day using latexila and find it very useful.

Sincerely, Eduardo Abraham Escárcega Pliego from México City.

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