Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 30th @ 20:00 UTC
= Meeting on May 16, 2018 =
== Agenda ==
* Website status and updates (Nuritzi)
* Talk about possible dates for LAS GNOME (Nuritzi)
* Update on status of venue search (Nuritzi)
* Make sure everyone is using the tools needed to plan (Nuritzi)
* Update team info and who is able to help organize LAS (Nuritzi)
== Attendees ==
* Nuritzi
* Michael
* Louisa
* Rosanna
* Sri
* Ann
== Notes ==
=== Website Status and updates ===
* Right now there is something up and it still needs content. Link is still trying to get authentication running.
* We have a OSEM instance right now. We will probably port what we have from Wordpress into OSEM.
* Will the OSEM instance be easy to edit for non-developers?
* We're not sure if GNOME has infrastructure hosting bandwidth, so it's on Link's server
* We need Tom's help in design.
* Previous blocker was getting the old site archived and get the new one set up
* ACTION: Michael to look into the theming of OSEM so that once we have design resources, we can start on that
* ACTION: Sri to check about how easy it is to edit content
* ACTION: Sri to see if we can archive the old website
=== Update on Venues ===
==== Parkside Mansion in Denver ====
* Ann viewed the Parkside Mansion venue and updated the master spreadsheet with the info: * What's the set up? Rows of chairs and tables, etc. Can add tables and chairs to other rooms too.
* Is it easy to have power? Yes, they would help make sure that this is set up.
* About an $11 / 12 uber ride from downtown Denver. There's also public transportation. It's connected to one of the biggest partks in Denver. Don't think we'd need to rent a car. There is parking available that serves the venue. Looks to be free, but could cost some amount -- Ann will check.
* This will be around the same time as System 76's product launch
* First payment for the venue is $4,400 deposit
==== Update on other venues ====
* Nuritzi found info for Mills College
* Pros: available Sept 20 - 23, nice space, at an all women's college and have a connection to a CS professor there so might get student involvement
* Cons: cost is up to $11K and not sure if it includes the required internet connections we need (costs more for "dedicated connection"), venue is about an hour from SF downtown, no breakout rooms available on Thursday
* Rosanna found info on:
* Google community space: Would be free but can only book up to 3 months in advance, which won't work for a conference. This could be great for a hackfest in the future.
* SPUR: this is in downtown SF and is a lovely space. It has internet, food options, etc. The main issue with this option is the cost -- it's about $15,500
* SF State: this place is in a great location in downtown SF but isn't open on Sundays. They might be able to open it on Sunday but it would cost extra and would also have only 1 mbps connection -- so it's only good enough for checking email and not great for our hackfest activities
==== Ranking of Venues ====
* #2: San Francisco | SPUR
* #3: Oakland (SF Bay Area) | Mills College
==== ACTIONS ====
* ACTION: Ann to check in on the following questions:
* Rental hours -- can we extend it from 9 am - 5:30 pm each day, and if so, how much does that cost? Do we need to set up and tear down each day?
* What if we rent the rooftop from 5 pm - midnight on Saturday?
* Ethernet hubs -- do we need these? Is there wi-fi?
* Which dates are available? Sept 6 - 9 is what they told us first but we'd ideally prefer Sept 20th - 23rd
* By when do they need the deposit, and who signs the agreement?
* Do they have a place for shipping and receiving items?
* ACTION: Ann to send the details of the space (how big is it?), and what the insurance requirements are, to Rosanna (zana gnome org) * ACTION: Ann and Louisa to add themselves to the mailing list ()
* ACTION: Nuritzi to set up Louisa and Ann on the GNOME Wiki
* ACTION: someone needs to do catering and accommodations research -- maybe @Sri?
* ACTION: Sri to send design assets from last year to Louisa so that we have an understanding of what's needed.
* ACTION: Create a prospectus once venue is chosen and locked down