las-gnome Meeting today at 19:00 UTC - Fwd: NOTES | LAS GNOME Meeting August 8th & Update on Regular Meeting Time

FYI folks, we have a meeting today.  Agenda:

1) Quick recap of yesterday's meeting
2) Tasks for this week that is priority
3) Driving people to the conference


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nuritzi Sanchez via las-gnome <las-gnome gnome org>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 12:20 PM
Subject: las-gnome NOTES | LAS GNOME Meeting August 8th & Update on Regular Meeting Time
To: <las-gnome gnome org>

Hi All 

We had a great and productive meeting today that resulted in a lot of action items :)

Re: Meeting Time

We decided to make regular meetings happen on Tuesdays at 19:00 UTC going forward. 

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 14th at 19:00 UTC. I will be at GNOME Asia and unable to attend, so we'll need someone else to chair the meeting. 

Re: Notes

It's hard to chair and take notes, so if those who attended the meeting can take a look and add anything I missed / edit as needed, that would be much appreciated. 

We should archive the notes on the etherpad before the next meeting. In the meantime, I've added a section at the top so we can start adding items to the agenda for next week. 

Can someone please help create/ update issues for the ACTION items on GitLab? I'm leaving for GNOME Asia and won't have time to do that.

Thanks! Feel free to ping me on Telegram if you need something urgent -- when traveling, Telegram is the best way to reach me. 


Meeting Notes

= Meeting on August 8th, 2018 =

== Agenda ==

 * Initial social media plan (Nuritzi)
     * Need to change the icon on Twitter
 * Pricing for tickets (Nuritzi)
    * Registration tickets for sponsors attendees
 * Keynote and speaker travel sponsorship (Nuritzi)
 * Telegram group for attendees (Nuritzi)
 * Roommate coordination (Nuritzi)
 * Schedule (Meg)
   * 18 accepted talks this time + keynote
   * Are we going to ask people to propose workshops/unconference topics ahead of time for core days?
 * Website cleanup (Nuritzi)
     * Do we still need a Call for Content? Registration vs buying tickets is confusing
 * GitLab board clean up (Nuritzi)

== Attendees ==
 * Sriram Ramkrishna
 * Nuritzi
* Louisa
 * Meg
 * Eric
* Link

== Notes ==

=== Initial social media plan ===
 * Need to change the icon on Twitter account 
 * Rosanna: what are our goals? 
 * Nuritzi: what is the call for content? 
 * Meg: do we want to do the unconference planning at LAS GNOME? 
 * Can we do discount codes? 
 * We are going to use #LASGNOME and #LibreApps this year
 * Goal of social media should be to get people to the conference!
     * Fun things about Denver
     * Link to how to travel from airport to the venue
     * Fun facts about the content of the conterence
     * How to register and sign up
     * Mention specific speeches
     * Get people to say why they are excited and use hashtag #lasgnome, win prizes (S76 has some swag to giveaway)
     * Discount codes for people to get their friends to go (maybe just for sponsors?) 
     * Contest to win free tickets to GNOME
     * Companies that will be there
     * Sponsors 
 * ACTION: Remove the Call for Content title from the header (Link -
 * ACTION: See if Caroline can create the twitter icon
 * ACTION: Sri or Nuritzi update the twitter 
 * ACTION: Sri someone to look into 

=== Pricing for tickets ===
 * How does someone attend LAS GNOME? 
  * First, you register, then you buy a ticket. It's how OSEM works. 
  * Speakers shouldn't buy tickets
  Meg: If speakers already bought a ticket, do we refund them? 
  •  * Should we let speakers know that they don't have to pay?
 * Link: we should be able to give refunds
 * Eric's ticket can be a trial for refunds
 * Sri: We can see how stripe does refunds at -
 * We will need to double check who has purchased tickets at regsistration 
  * ACTION: Meg to email speakers and let them know they don't have to pay for tickets but they should register themselves. They can receive a refund if they have already purchased tickets. 
  * ACTION: Rosanna and Link to look into refunds on Stripe
  * ACTION: Meg look into which speakers have paid
   * ACTION: Sri help make a volunteer list and make sure they don't pay
   * ACTION: volunteers will need to check that people have purchased tickets at registration 
   * ACTION: plan to have a card reader & cash box at registration (Nuritzi and Rosanna to talk about this) 
   * ACTION: update tickets section to **- Student and Discounted Tickets ($35)** Purchase this ticket if you are currently enrolled as a student or are seeking employment. 

 * Keynote and speaker travel sponsorship
  * Meg coordinated the travel sponsorship
  * Level of sponsorship was lower than she requested
  * Speaker responded that it would work and she would book travel 
  * We will need to raise some sponsorship to travel in the future
  * It would be good to include a travel budget for keynote speakers so they have a better experience
  * Meg will talk to keynote speaker in person and see how the general experience is
  * ACTION: Talk to Kat about the 
  * ACTION: Meg to ask speaker about diversity training and let her know that she can send the invoice at any time

=== Telegram group for attendees ===
 * Create a group with invite link and post on website
 = Roommates==
 * There is an etherpad to help coordinate:
 * Rosanna to add disclaimer just in case
 * ACTION: nuritzi to help update website so that people can start using it ASAP. not blocked on Rosanna's edit, but the edit should happen ASAP too

=== Schedule ===
 * 3 core days and 1 day for BoFs at the end
 * we have 18 speakers
 * speakers are still responding
 * Meg is working on getting all bios and photos from the speakers
 * hasn't put together the acctual schedule. should we group talks by themes? certain tracks on certain days? 
 * should we have unconference time? 
 * we need to do the workshop during one of the first two days, we should have an unconference that day too
 * how many talks per day? 
  * 6 talks per day
 * venue can be available from 10 am - 6 pm
 * should we have catered breakfast? 
 * we should let people propose BoFs... make an etherpad for that. 
 * ACTION: Meg to leave a 1.5 hour lunch, and two 15 min breaks. if we have any sponsored events, they need to be 30 mins
 * ACTION: plan BoFs, create a etherpad for this
 * ACTION: Sri to tell Meg about any sponsored events 
 * ACTION: Sri to check if we can bring coffee and food / catering. water is a must. 
=== Local Meeting ===
 * There is a local meeting happening 
 * Will do a walk through of the venue
 * This is just an FYI for this meeting
=== Sponsors ===
 * We should add the spoonsorship brochure to the website so that other potential sponsors can access it
 * need to make sure we outline the perks of sponsorship well and plan for that
 * ACTION: Sri and Nuritzi to talk about sponsorship levels and perks for them


Nuritzi Sanchez  
President, Board of Directors at GNOME
las-gnome mailing list
las-gnome gnome org

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