Re: What to do about the cairo stuff in gtk+?

On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 16:06 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 15:24 +0200, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
> > Aloha,
> > 
> > gtk+ 2.8 will add a few Cairo related functions.
> What exactly are those functions? I haven't seen anything that looked
> particularly useful.

Those are the ones I see:


Plus the stuff in pango/pangocairo.h.

I don't really know if they're useful.  But I think you'd need at least
some of them if you wanted to use Cairo in conjunction with gtk+.

> > So, what should language bindings do about those functions in gtk+?
> > Should we wrap them conditionally, depending on whether the
> > corresponding language binding of Cairo itself is already installed?  Or
> > can a stable release of our gtk+ bindings depend on an alpha release of
> > Cairo bindings?
> It seems unlikely that we'll manage to wrap cairo stuff in time for
> GNOME 2.10. If you've started, then please mark the API very clearly as
> unstable, until things become clearer.

Ok.  We haven't yet, but if we'll wrap anything, we're going to mark
them as unstable.  And probably also make the dependency on Cairo
bindings optional.


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