Re: gmail plugin: display all contact data -- integrate patch?


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 8:09 PM, Adi J. Sieker <adi sieker info> wrote:
> On 23/01/11 20:04, Karol Będkowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2011-01-16 13:28:35 Stefan Otte<stefan otte gmail com>:
>>> What is wrong with the current code and what is expected?
>>> The GoogleContact should be an ContactLeaf as mentioned in
>>> obj/ And the slot mechanism should be used?
>>> Anything else?
>> I try to help with this stuff.
>> Grouping is a feature, that allow to group leaves from one or more
>> sources that have the same some attribute. For now we have only two
>> type of leaves: contacts (groped by name, email, jid) and hosts
>> (grouped by name or address).
>> For example, if you have the same contact in gmail, gajim, pingin etc,
>> leaves from appropriate sources will be grouped. One leaf will be
>> promoted to "main" leaf and other appear as its children.
>> Unique properties for each leaf are stored in "slots" - for example
>> "name", "email", "jid". Slots defined in "grouping_slots" are used
>> grouping. Type of group (contacts / host) is defined in source class.
>> We can provide new subclass of ContactLeaf for each source (for example
>> to provide other icon) or use one existing classes. But in actions we
>> should always use base class (ContactLeaf) and check that given leaf
>> have appropriate slot (i.e. "email" in actions related to sending
>> emails).
>> So, if you replace GoogleContact(EmailContact) with GoogleContact(Leaf)
>> this brake whole grouping for contacts from gmail (this leaves can't
>> (shouldn't) be grouped).
>> If you want provide provide some new attributes for contacts, I think
>> simplest and best method is create new class, something like that:
>> class ContactDetails (ContactLeaf):
>>        def __init__(self, name, attribute, value):
>>                slots = {ATTRIBUTE_KEY: attribute, NAME_KEY: name,
>>                        VALUE_KEY: value}
>>                ContactLeaf.__init__(self, slots, value)
>>        def repr_key(self):
>>                return self.object[ATTRIBUTE_KEY]
>>        def get_description(self):
>>                return self.object[ATTRIBUTE_KEY]
>>        def get_text_representation(self):
>>                return self.object[VALUE_KEY]
>> And use this to keep additional information (yield this objects in
>> source). I check this for simple example and seems to work ok. Of
>> course this class may be extended or maybe there should be separate
>> class for phones, addresses etc.
I wrote a "Show address on google maps" plugin which just acts on
text. If we have a address class I can change it to match the new
class (which would make more sense).

>> I see that you read from google information about skype and jabber id -
>> for this you should use JabberContacts and skype.Contacts. This allow
>> to use this information in other plugins.
>> I hope this help...
> Yes that helps. and thank you very much thank makes sense.
> I'll see about updating the plugin to match your input.
Cool, if you have something and put it onto github. I#d love to test it!

> Regards
> Adi
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