Focus applications with trigger

I've got a question regarding the focus behaviour when using triggers
in kupfer. I've got triggers set up to start Firefox, Pidgin and my
mail client. Hitting the assigned shortcut for the trigger starts the
program and subsequent ones bring the application into focus. But if
you've got multiple instances of your application running, for example
the Pidgin contact list and a chat window the window in the background
will be focused first. To get back to the chat I have to press the
trigger twice to get first to the contact list and then to the chat
window. Is this the intended behaviour?

In my opinion more reasonable would be the following:

- if there are multiple instances of the application running and one
is already in focus, the trigger will grab the instance from the
- if there are multiple instances of the application and none of it is
in focus, the trigger will grab the instance that was previously in
the foreground

Any thoughts on this?

Greetings, David

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