Re: Focus applications with trigger


> David,
> how do you like the current development version. Now it does,
> confusingly, both of these. If the app is only on one workspace, it
> will cycle the windows. If it is on multiple, it will only cycle the
> workspaces the app is on.  What do you think? Is there anythingthat
> should be configurable.
> This three-line recipe to try the development version is really quick,
> it runs without any building:
> git clone git://  kupfer-dev
> cd kupfer-dev
> ./kupfer-run
> (Quit any other instance of kupfer before you run this. You don't need
> anything more than git and the usual dependiences)

hah, that recipe is what I needed, thanks a bunch! I'm a bit busy at
the moment but I'll have a look at the dev build this evening or
tomorrow morning and report back afterwards. :-)


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