Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] Fixed bug #119700 and removed RecView/MixerStrip control button redundancy

Jono Bacon wrote:
I think the current implementation is crazy!

You might be right about that.

I might be missing
something, but it is very confusing to have four possible toggle
options between two views. We have two workspaces with one button
each, why can't we keep this behaviour - it makes much more sense in
my mind - the user can simply click the button for the right view.

I agree that the last way was simple, but I would like to hear your opinions regarding the second recording view which was inside a pane inside compact mix view, and the idea for the drag and drop shelf. Specifically how would you make them work using the old workspace button behaviour.

I found it confusing that there was a recording view inside compact mix view, even though the workspace buttons treat them as entirely separate things. When you clicked the compact mix view button the compact mix view was shown but so was the recording view. This seemed much more like I was toggling the compact mix view on than switching to a new view entirely. This is what the new button behaviour tries to represent.

As for the shelf, I think it fundamentally needs to be toggled on and off at will. In which case we will need another place to put the shelf toggle button.


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