Re: [jokosher-devel] So what is the State Of Jokosher then?

chris procter wrote:
 > So, questions:
The timeline at

- is this still upto date?
Absolutely not. For one, someone put the string freeze as being two days 
before the release. That's probably not a good a idea if you're a 
translator. Because this freeze is pretty long, and our development time 
has been pretty short, the time between feb 1st and march 14th will be 
flexible. If we still need stuff to go in, we can push back the freeze, 
and its not a big deal. Plus we can freeze strings at different times 
that we freeze the code.
- what is the state of play of the Grand Pipeline
(dropped because we dont need it, right?)

- whats the status of Multi-channel support (iirc
testing on Elleos machine but not committed)?
Yes, this one seems to be cutting it tight, but there are still 
gstreamer problems to be worked out.
- whats missing from the timeline (mix down profiles
Mixdown profiles is really the only other feature coming out in this 
release. We really need someone to start working on it if it its gonna 
be completed.
- 0.9/1.0 (probably 1.0 ?)

I vote for 0.9 but its really not my decision.

Is there any other cool and groovey things going on
that need highlighting?

Na, just boring internal stuff like rearranging project loading to make it easier to support files from different Jokosher versions and possibly other filetypes in the future.
Can people make sure their commit messages are clear
so I can pick out the interesting stuff easily.

Will do.


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