[jokosher-devel] Volume fades UI

> What I always planned to do was, once you've dragged one of the
> fademarkers, lock the other one so you can't drag both sides.

Unless I am misunderstanding you, this does not fix the problem. If
you select the middle portion of an event and then drag the right-hand
side fademarker, the portion from the right side of the selection to
the end of the event gets its volume decreased as well. I think it is
more intuitive that the fademarkers only ever make changes to the
portion of audio that is selected, no?

That idea seems initially attractive, until you think it through. If
you do that then there's a fade down and a sudden volume jump back up
to where it was before at the end of the selection. To a first
approximation, no-one wants to do that. Note that you can, if you want
to, jump the volume back up by making a small selection. The current
design is based around the idea that "fade out the current sample and
keep it faded" (which I'll call fade1) is a relatively common thing to
do, and "apply a fade to a bit  of a sample and then have the volume
jump back up after that bit" (which I'll call fade2) is a relatively
uncommon thing to do. Both these two things are possible with both

My fade implementation (volume stays faded outside the selection),
user wants to apply a fade out to a sample (fade1):
1. Make a selection starting where you want the fade to start and
finishing where you want the fade to finish
2. Drag the right hand fademarker to 0%

My fade implementation, user wants to apply a fade out that applies
only to a part of the wave and have the rest continue as if no fade
had happened (fade2):
1. Select the part you want to apply to
2. Drag the right hand fademarker to 0%
3. Make a new, very very narrow selection, starting at the right-hand
end of the previous selection
4. Drag the right hand fademarker back up to 100%

Your proposed implementation (fades only apply to selected part), user
wants to apply a fade out to a sample (fade1):
1. Select the part where you want the fade to happen
2. Drag the right hand fademarker to 0%
3. Select everything from the right-hand edge of the current selection
to the end of the sample
4. Drag the left fademarker to 0%
5. Drag the right fademarker to 0%

Your proposed implementation, user wants to apply a fade out that
applies only to a part of the wave and have the rest continue as if no
fade had happened (fade2):
1. Select the part where you want the fade to happen
2. Drag the right hand fademarker to 0%

I agree entirely that your proposed solution makes fade2 easier.
However, I don't think that people do that as much as they do fade1
(make a sample fade out and stay faded out), and therefore the current
design makes fade1s easier. Opinions requested.


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