Re: [jokosher-devel] Jokosher 0.2 run script for testing

On 11/8/06, Dennis Lichtenthäler <dennis lichtenthaeler episode-iv de> wrote:
> 1. Write instructions on how to run the script for ordinary people
> (for you guys I can just say "run it with bash")
I wrote up a little something on the dev wiki at http://
It needs a few screenshots and a little love from someone who
actually uses Ubuntu or SuSE.

Cool. I'd like to draft the instructions on the wiki; they'll actually
appear on itself when we release 0.2, of course.

I'd also suggest that the script tells the user when it's actually
done so everyone knows when to close their terminal window...

See "it needs a progress bar in a window" above ;)

And what about the link on the user's desktop? Has that been decided

Well...on further thought about this, the script is clever enough to
know that it's done all the downloading, so when you run it a second
time it just runs Jokosher straightaway. So my inclination is to say
"just click the script to run it"; if they want to put it on their
desktop, or in their home folder, or whatever, that's fine. Doesn't
need a link, really; they must have run it once, so they already know
how to do that by the time a desktop link would be useful.


"Willow hath gat hare off rede
And doth geev soopurb heede.
Buffy, as written by Geoffrey Chaucer, the dirty mediaeval git."
          -- Andy Spencer, after Certic

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