Re: [jokosher-devel] Willing to do some work!

> Certainly there are advantages to having the documentation in DocBook,
> but I wouldn't like to demand that doc writers *have* to use docBook
> to contribute; we want to keep that bar low so we get lots of  people
> in the docteam, I think.

But if you can, you're advised to do it?

I'd suggest that we want to leave the wiki stuff so people can edit
it, and then convert that to DocBook (perhaps with some sort of
semi-automated script thing), rather than writing anything directly in
DocBook. This is a question for the Doc Team rather than me, though.


2. Make it halfway normal. I don't have any use for
laser-beam-shooting pocket combs, or non-existent existents existing
within their own existences, or ballpoint pens made out of lettuce.
          -- CardinalT dictates rules for the raif Silly Game

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