[HIG] Meeting next Thursday _2000_ GMT (change!), review process

OK. Unless we have objection _today_, the meeting is rescheduled for 2000 GMT on Thursday, 12 October (1PM PDT) since everybody seems to be able to make it then. Again, that's irc.gnome.org channel #hig .

I also said I'd say a little bit about how the review process will work. Basically, this is the procedure:

1) Before the meeting, folks should review the content at http://developer.gnome.org/projects/hig . Please note, for each section of the content, anything with which you disagree or believe should be modified. If you can't make the meeting, please feel free to write up your thoughts and mail them to this list before the meeting. I'd prefer, however, that _no discussion_ take place on the mailing list before the meeting; once we've explicitly identified points of agreement and disagreement we can start the flamewars.

This means that rather than responding to any reviews posted to the list before 12 October, please simply note your own reactions to the point and be prepared to discuss your thoughts on IRC. Or post your own complete review.

2) On 12 October, we will go through the HIG draft section-by-section and identify points with which there is disagreement, concern, or question. Once we have identified these points, we will have a week to discuss them on the mailing list and achieve consensus to resolve each of the points. Then from 19 October to 26 October, the text will be revised to reflect this consensus.

The decision-making process will go as follows:

1) Ideally, we get at least grudging consensus from everybody on each point. Please be ready to compromise. :) 2) If there is no consensus, majority rules. For the purposes of this process, a "majority" means a larger number of people speaking up for something than speaking up against it. That means if only three people care, and two speak up for and one against, the two win. So if you care about something, speak up. Note that I don't expect us to have time to do any kind of formal voting; I'll probably be acting as judge of what constitutes a majority. 3) If we can't establish majority rule, I will make calls as necessary based on my interpretation of usability principles. (If everybody hates my call, we go back to majority rule. :) 4) Seth, as GUP project leader, has final veto power over inclusions in the document.


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