Re: Create Report

Mensaje citado por Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>:

Hi to all!

I' think that in this initial version of gyrus (python), the functionality must
be the same that trunk version. However, must respect the GNOME Human Interface
Guidelines that Claudio mentions. The report interface not respect this
guidelines and needs to be replaced.

The original criteria of filter the report has been sufficient for now, so i
think that in new version add the new criteria.


> Hi Francisco, 
> Thanks for working on this.
> El vie, 29-02-2008 a las 19:55 -0300, Francisco Rojas escribió:
> > For the gyrus-python version the report dialog should be the same that
> > trunk version?
> I think it should be better. As you list below, there are several
> criteria that could make it way more useful.
> > 
> > -the report dialog from the trunk version is ugly 
> If you want to work on it, I suggest you to follow the GNOME Human
> Interface Guidelines:
> I'd suggest you to do some mockups with glade and post the screenshots
> in a bug report, so that we can discuss it there.
> > -we could filter the mail box with multi-criteria
> I think that the user should be at least able to choose a different
> criterion than "over x% quota mailboxes". Multiple criteria is an
> option, but I'd personally be happy with 
> > -I don't very sure how filter the mail-box ... any suggestion ??
> One way to do it could be to store all the relevant data in the admin's
> mailboxes model. Then, you can associate that model to the treeview in
> the reports dialog and use a GtkTreeModelFilter to filter according to
> the criterion selected.
> The disadvantage of this approach is that the information in the model
> can get easily outdated if there are changes in the server. Also,
> loading all the relevant data during server connection could make it
> pretty slow.
> Something that should be improved as well: if there's any need to load
> data from the server in this dialog, then it should be done
> asynchronously.
> Regards,
> Claudio
> -- 
> Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>
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Alejandro Valdés Jiménez.
Ingeniero en Redes y Sistemas.
Area Plataforma
DTI - Dirección de Tecnologías de Información
Universidad de Talca.
Talca - Chile.
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