[guadec-list] Minutes 2016-03-02


Edited minutes are also on the wiki:

 * Minutes:        http://meetbot.gnome.org/guadec/2016/guadec.2016-03-02-20.20.html
 * Minutes (text): http://meetbot.gnome.org/guadec/2016/guadec.2016-03-02-20.20.txt
 * Log:            http://meetbot.gnome.org/guadec/2016/guadec.2016-03-02-20.20.log.html

== People Present ==
 * benzea
 * muelli
 * mms
 * afranke
 * sils

== Action Items, by person ==

 * muelli:
   * ACTION: muelli to write to guadec-list/engagement-list about student sales pitch
 * moggi:
   * ACTION: moggi to look into hotels for non-sponsored people

== Edited minutes ==

Meeting started by benzea at 20:20:22 UTC.

=== Meeting summary ===

 * LinuxTag e.V. call
   * kittykat and benzea had a call with LinuxTag e.V. earlier that day
   * contract should be finalized by the mid March

 * Code of Conduct
   * afranke notes current CoC related discussions in the board 
   * AGREED: we will use the current CoC for GUADEC 2016
   * muelli/mms state: we're okay with the current CoC, but think that it's sad that such a statement is 

 * Sponsors
   * muelli and mms have contacted some potential sponsors, but did not get much of a response so far
   * muelli suggests to market the fact that talented students will come to the conference
   * muelli and mms have contacted the tourism board. They will provide
tourism related brochures (for bags) and provided information about
possible charities that might sponsor GUADEC. Needs follow up.
   * short discussion about the perks we have for sponsors (see log)
   * ACTION: muelli to write to guadec-list/engagement-list about student sales pitch

 * CfP
   * benzea informs everyone that kittykat is putting together a paper team and is planning to send out a CfP 
in about two weeks

 * workshops/keynotes
   * skipped, nothing to discuss

 * other items:
   * ACTION: moggi to look into hotels for non-sponsored people

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