Re: [guadec-list] Visa section

En 29/05/13 21:30, Robert Kratky escribiu:
On Thursday 30 of May 2013 00:44:39, Sindhu S wrote:

Could you please show us the template perhaps?

Thank you, Robert for putting the invitation together.
I'm attaching the draft. However, let me make it clear that this is not intended for actual use. Any letter 
using our stationary needs to be sent by us. Please, do not distribute this draft and do not use in any way 
other than to comment on it and/or to point out mistakes and/or deficiencies.

The final letter will include the name and signature of the director of our organization, which have been 
purposefully withheld in the draft to avoid misuse. I apologize for this, but we have had some very 
unpleasant experiences with these matters in the past.

Comments welcome. Let's make this a useful tool for all those who need a visa.
I attach the two models in English we used in GUADEC 2012. One as
invitation, and another about acomodation but related to VISAs.  We
asked the faculty to sign and send them as official document for the
first wave of applications. The local organizers signed the ones that
arrived late.

We had the problem that we needed to justify that the GNOME Foundation
was in charge of the accommodation in the case of the Sponsored

We also have the Spanish versions of the letters to be used in Spanish
embassies. All applicants (15) that sent their request had their VISA
accepted, we didn't sent VISA invitation letters to people without any
relation with GNOME or Free Software. We received a lot of request from
people that we didn't have any relation to GNOME and didn't know
anything about the conference topic was and only wanted an invitation

I hope these documents could be useful for you.


Chema Casanova

Attachment: template-booking-guadec.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Attachment: template-invitation-letter.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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