Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC sponsor brochure: GNOME.Asia pack

William from Texas:

Looks really good to me.  Two minor comments:

1. Item #3 in terms & conditions on page 7 says we only accept euros or
   USD for GUADEC, and only USD or HK$ (Hong Kong) for GNOME.Asia.  It
   says we will accept other currencies if we agree.

   Wouldn't it just make the most sense to just say that we'd
   accept funding for any of these events in euros, USD or HK$?
   I'd think that's what we'd do anyway since we are already
   planning to handle all these currencies in the coming sponsorship
   year, and it seems less complicated to just say so.

2. On the form on page 8 you instruct people to FAX the form to
   a number.  The GNOME Foundation does not have a public FAX
   number, so I recommend removing this.  Perhaps we should point them
   to a web page with instructions instead?  This way the instructions
   could change as we improve them over time.

   The address they should use is here if they wish to send it by
   regular mail:

   Since it seems many people just contact us by email to tell us they
   want to sponsor, providing an email contact to use would perhaps be
   the most useful information to give.



On 03/22/12 07:24 AM, William from Texas wrote:
The versions never end! I should have made the increments smaller..

Sponsor Brochure draft7
- Cleaned up wording, mentioned hackfests, and sponsors helping GNOME
not just GUADEC
- p6 I think you'll find Package Tables better
- p7 changed .Asia currency to HK$ and also changed 4 weeks for
materials to 1 week in advance.
- p8 Moved some things around on the App Form to make it more clear

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:17 AM, William from Texas
<williamfromtexas gmail com>  wrote:
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:16 AM, Brian Cameron<brian cameron oracle com>  wrote:
Overall this looks great.  However, I do find a couple of things a bit
confusing.  The term "GNOME.Asia pack" only appears once in the
brochure and it isn't clear to mean what it means.
Will address this below.

The website provides very little information about GNOME.Asia.  Don't
you think we should minimally say where and when it will be and a
URL and contact for more information?  A sentence or two about
the fact that GNOME.Asia is cool would be good.  We could highlight
that it is pushing GNOME and GNOME into new markets, and this year into
tech savvy Hong Kong.   The growing Asian market is probably
particularly interesting to many potential sponsors.
We can do this, but where on the site? For the moment I will add links
into the brochure.

It seems a bit weird that the text explains that people can sponsor
GNOME.Asia by itself if they want, but the "Sponsorship Application
Form" does not provide any checkboxes for this option, nor does the
text tell you what to do or who to contact.
I don't think the possibility to only sponsor GNOME.Asia should be on
the GUADEC sponsor sheet. We can provide links for this.

My first impression was that the brochure was telling me that if I
paid $12,000 for the "Platinum" GNOME.Asia sponsorship (which I
thought meant GNOME.Asia package) that I could pay 5,000 euro more to
get Platinum GUADEC sponsorship.  But this does not sound like what
you describe below.

On 03/19/12 01:45 PM, William from Texas wrote:
After some feedback from GUADEC and .Asia teams, here is the GUADEC
sponsor brochure draft5:

The 'Big Change' here are the .Asia value packs on p6 and p8. GUADEC
sponsors can add +5,000eu to gain .Asia Platinum or Gold-level,
+3,000eu to for Silver and +1,500eu for Bronze. (There was a
suggestion for +6k for Platinum and +4.5 for Gold, do others insist on
this? It can be added if so, mostly removed for space reasons.)

Why is there no foot in some of the GNOME.Asia rows?  Why do you not
become a "Coffee break" sponsor at any sponsorship level?  How much
do people have to spend to be this kind of sponsor?
Addressing above and here: maybe I will make GNOME.Asia value pack its
own table structure to emphasize it and provide better details. Right
now it's in with the Extras.

There are no GNOME feet in the extra section as these are available
but not automatic. e.g., Any sponsor may cover a coffee break, but
it's not included in any package, it should be discussed as an extra
cost. Platinum sponsors are automatically included as sponsors of a
conference reception (is this the Pro event?) and Gold sponsors are
automatically sponsors of a party. A Bronze sponsor may also choose to
sponsor a reception or party as an extra cost of their package. An
unclarity in my mind is the text 'at own cost' for these, implying
that all Platinum/Gold sponsors still need to pay extra for these
extras, although they have first right to claim these extras.. Since
this particular text was from previous GUADECs, is that how we've done
it in the past?

It also is a bit awkward that GNOME.Asia is in USD ($) while GUADEC is
in Euro.  Not sure this is relaly a problem, but it does seem odd.
Maybe it would be better to show the numbers in both currencies.

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