[guadec-list] guadec.org optimization (was: Time for call for logos for next GUADEC inBirmingham)

El dj 07 de 09 del 2006 a les 12:18 +0100, en/na Thomas Wood va

> Speaking of which, I'm not sure which list to bring this up on, but something really does need to be done about the speed of guadec.org.

Until now guadec.org has been discussed here.

>  could anyone who helped set up the website shed some light on this?

guadec.org needs optimization in many senses, definitely. A better
management of CSS files would diminish dramatically these statistics.
For instance, the heaviest object detected by the report is a CSS image
that in fact doesn't show up in the homepage:
http://guadec.org/themes/guadec/images/location_bg.png . Apparently this
image is being pre-loaded in all the guadec.org pages, even if it's not
used in any (?). There are lots of other minor objects that appear on
the report but are not visible in the page, nor appear in the HTML code.

However, note that the 3 header images have 86966 in total + 115785 from
sponsors/partner logos + 4036 (only) of pure HTML = 206787, which is
already a non-light page.

The Vilanova team build that website from almost nothing, with lots of
improvisation and rush but also thinking of building something that
could be evolved and updated continuously. tavon, Behnam and myself were
the ones tweaking regularly the CMS, with poor coordination since tavon
started almost everything but then had to leave the team for personal

Now the Birmingham team can evolve and optimize the site. As said, most
of the kb optimization relies in the CSS files since the HTML files
themselves are rather small. Of course a better use of images will help,
although the big header and banner had a lot to do (I think) with the
good comments we received about the website.

About the structure, all the GUADEC2006 static pages are "classified"
under the /GUADEC2006 directory, it should be easy to update the site
just by changing the home and assigning the Birmingham2007 pages in an
own directory as well. 

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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