[guadec-list] Weekly meeting log

Today we basically discussed:

- The website. 3 essential bugs to be solved (tavon is working on them
as I write this report): block and page listing presentations, block and
page listing news, and operative sponsors block in the homepage. Having
more Drupal / PHP / web hackers involved would be really helpful.

- Registration. Devin and I are going to meet at 00.00 Vilanova time to
finish a functional version, incorporating Murray's comments. We still
need to know which VAT should we apply to the registration fees (16%?).
Accommodation and meals have 7%.

- Planning the human resources needed, specially during the GUADEC days,
in order to launch clear volunteering requests and start building the
volunteering team. Quim needs to update a go specific on
http://live.gnome.org/GUADEC2006/TaskList - Danigo and Toni need to push
and also define the needs from the local perspective.

The log:

qgil: halfline, lluis, tavon, toniher, vuntz, wingo - we are going to
start the weekly meeting, who plans to attend?
qgil: the topic today is basically the website and the online registration
qgil: there is still ñplenty of things to do, if everybody is busy I'll
just go ahead with the work
qgil: tavon, I wish you were here
qgil: but anyway
qgil: I'll go and write the accommodation in Vilanova page, if someone
bwant to discuss anything, here we are
bolsh [~dave mne69-3-82-225-22-32 fbx proxad net] entered the room.
ldng [~ldng 197 Red-83-42-91 dynamicIP rima-tde net] entered the room.
ldng: hi
qgil: hi there
ldng: no meeting going on ??
qgil: I was the only active participant in the meeting, so I decided to
meet with myself off-keyboard  :)
ldng: oh !
ldng: I see
qgil: tavon and Devin aren't around either...
ldng: bolsh,  lluis, wingo  and toniher  aren't around ? (not to cite
them :p)
bolsh: Just got in
ldng: hello then !
toniher: ep ldng
ldng: did I awake some people ?
ldng: sorry about that :D
qgil: so, the defaulkt topic is website and online registration
toniher: :)
qgil: however, since the direct reponsible are not around, maybe you
want to discuss something else
bolsh: The website looks great
qgil: as you wish
bolsh: But I miss some things - actual news on the front page
ldng: qgil, can you give a quick sum up ? (I'm still lagging behind on mail)
qgil: :)
bolsh: A page with all the stories and a page with all the
presentations, and I'd be happy :)
qgil: ldng: we want to launch registration tomorrow, we are suposed to
finish the work and test tonight
ldng: oh ! Great !!
qgil: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336202 major and urgent
- I can0t do more without tavon
bolsh: qgil: Ah - all my complaints are there
qgil: bolsh: and http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=335256 -
there are your two requests, this one major and urgent as well
ldng: hey ! I just having a look at website, very nice !
bolsh: We should get some drupal hackers in to do the custom blocks for
us in 5 minutes
qgil: bolsh: do you have bugzilla account?
bolsh: Yup
bolsh: Of course
ldng: I lov'it !
qgil: I wanted to CC you but I coiuldn't find your id
qgil: bolsh: I've asked tavon if he needs help
bolsh: qgil: bolsh gimp org
qgil: he knows how to do everything, the problem seems to be
availability, perhaps also the "entropic" way of working in a team +
list + bugzilla context
qgil: we need more Drupñal hackers and, BTW, let me tell you that it
would be easier to get them if it would be clear that GNOME is going to
go for a CMS in the mid terms
qgil: hackers loike challenges, you know
qgil: love challenges, I mean
qgil: but anyway, today we have these bugs, maybe I should make a call
to the list
bolsh: qgil: I'll let you into a not a secret
qgil: the problem is too that solving bugs require permissions, not only
in the web interface
bolsh: qgil: The GNOME website is more or less up for grabs
bolsh: If you, or Thomas Wood, or someone else, proposes a new
www.gnome.org infrastructure based on a CMS, we're game
qgil: bolsh: thos told me, but there is something undercvurrent between
we the webhackers
bolsh: I was looking for civicms again today, and couldn't find it
bolsh: Did it get moved?
bolsh: We could use it now for sponsors contacts, speakers & keynotes, etc
ldng: qgil,  I have another topic, As the auto-proclamed master in chief
of the galactic world of the guadec volonteer, I am going to pressure
you now on to get the planning defined as soon as possible, I think this
is important for local organisation
ldng: of course I am aware that it goes a bit in the other way you would
like it to go, you already told me
qgil: bolsh: ok, let us launch the v1.0 and then I'll go for the CiviCRM
ldng: so I going to make some kind of requisite list for volonteer
qgil: ldng: great, I need pressure made by people assuming
responsibilities  :)
ldng: on why it would be needed
bolsh: qgil: I wonder what happened to it, though? Did you disable it at
some stage?
ldng: basically we've been talking with toniher about that, if we want
volonteers to commit we on our side should be abble to commit on
something like :
ldng: you dedicate one morming you get one free
ldng: kinf of
ldng: so to organise things, if we have a defined planning, the sooner,
the better
qgil: bolsh: ttp://gnomedotorg.ourproject.org/index.php?q=civicrm/
qgil: http://gnomedotorg.ourproject.org/index.php?q=civicrm/
qgil: ldng: well, we have http://live.gnome.org/GUADEC2006/TaskList -
and needs update
qgil: ldng: what steps you suggest to do
ldng: I just started to think of it
qgil: ldng: my problem is that even when I'm half-libertaed I have no
brain to push everything at a time
ldng: I think we'll discuss it better the 8 around a table, face to face
qgil: this is why is good to have people concentrating in something and
then pushing me foir whatever he needs
ldng: qgil, I know
qgil: i.e. like bolsh with the keynotes
qgil: ldng: I'll try to follow with wingo 's action items list and
provide the updated list of tasks
qgil: from that point I hope you can continue defining what is needed at
a local levelñ
ldng: qgil, I going on ideal case, of course it'll hard to achieve
because it's a bit the other way around but at least it'll define things
we would like to achieve
qgil: as always, I will be helping, but it would be great to have
someone (you) pushing this
ldng: o toniher :D
ldng: ;)
qgil: it's a two way process: I can go from the general to the
specifics, and people focusing in one task (i.e. video coverage) can go
from the specifics to the general requests
qgil: i n theory we find the magic tasklist with the inpuit of everybody  :)
ldng: yeah
***toniher is reading :)
ldng: from your point of view doing the planning the later the better
because it allow to give it shape with the three track we defined before
qgil: what else
ldng: on the orther hand, for local organisation the sooner the better
qgil: nononon
toniher: qgil: which would be our contact in Vilanova if we wanted to
visit the campus on April 8.
ldng: we need to find a middle point
qgil: ldng: I would have delivered a tasklist with volunteers allocated
in each task
qgil: and a well defined budget
qgil: if I would have been capable of doing this
qgil: while having website, registration, sponsorship, inbfrastrucures,
local groups etc going on  :)=
ldng: don't worry we'll try to do it, the 8 if possible
toniher: gqil: I would contact them for confirming we would be there
around visiting the place...
qgil: as I say, I'll try to iupdate the tasklist sooner
qgil: toniher: Núria and Carles are in the process of registering to the
list. Once they are inside I'll introduce everyone and then you can stay
in contact directly
qgil: Núria and Carles = Vilanova contacts
toniher: qgil: Perfect.
qgil: also, I talked to Andreu Ibáñez from IWS - Hispalinux etc
qgil: he is the organizer of the Jornades de Programari Lliure de LLeida
qgil: he is been helping since the first meeting, back in Feb 2005 or
so, when Jordi Mas came with the idea of preparing a candiday
qgil: he is only not the type of person to play with a wiki etc, but can
be really helpfulk
qgil: I asked him to join guadec-loc
qgil: and I've suggested him to be in charge of the printed program,
since he has experience in such things
qgil: he kind of agreed, and we need to get into details now - in the list
qgil: it would be good if he could join the meeting the 8th
qgil: toniher: how many people do we have in guadec-loc
qgil: al? do you think it's already kind of representative of the local
qgil: ok, and today I had an idea for a pretty cool and unique GUADEC
t-shirt... see the end of http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336206
toniher: qgil: There are 19 people
ldng: qgil, no not yet, I don't think
ldng: but I contacted someone from Badopi
bolsh: qgil: Thanks :)
bolsh: For the keynotes thing
ldng: he'll spread the word
toniher: qgil: I will try to push some other local groups (which I do
not currently have direct contact)
toniher: I hope that after the public announciation of the meeting I
would prepare a note this week, some other people may also join
qgil: briefly said, I think that if softcatalà, caliu, badopi, guifi.net
and that group of free software students at the UPC (can't remember the
name) are inside, getting the rest wonp't be that difficult
ldng: y barrapunto, we should not forget :)
toniher: I will prepare a note for SC, Farga and also in Spanish for
qgil: barrapunto is at the end David Poblador, who is generally busy and
I've already invited to join the list
qgil: ops
qgil: sorry
qgil: I mixed Barrapunto / Puntbarra
toniher: qgil, I have seen
qgil: too bilingual  :)
***toniher must go to prepare dinner. I will read what you write down. I
will be back in 1-2 hours
qgil: ok,  in barrapunto we have Alvaro del Castillo, GNOME hacker and
qgil: this sounds like a nice dinner  :)
Devin [Devin 112 Red-83-36-50 staticIP rima-tde net] entered the room.
mode (+o Devin ) by OuComBalla
ldng: must go too
ldng: sorry
ldng: bye
qgil: to talk about something very urgent and important  ;) what do you
think about the idea of an official GUADEC T-Shirt with the GUADEC 2006
tag cloud printed on it
qgil: by ldng, hi Devin
qgil: unos van , otros vienen, así es la vida  :)
ldng: eso es, tchao
ldng left the room (quit: Leaving).
Devin: hi and yes :)
Devin: just arribed from office
Devin: :(
qgil: oh man, I wish you finsih your current duties so you can
guadec-relaxe a bit
Devin: yup, i will on it later
qgil: bolsh: have you got the opportunity to chek the registration tool?
qgil: bolsh: did you see my question about VAT?
bolsh: No on both counts
Devin: i can do all murray's petitions tonite
qgil: bolsh: my question was wether the registration fees (30€ / 150€)
have + VAT or if VAT is included there
qgil: how was in Stuttgart?
qgil: Devin: I'd like to check with you the tool before you go to sleep,
so we know that at least for you and me it's ready
Devin: ok, no prob
Devin: i will start working on it arround 00.00
qgil: also, Devin I'll need assistance to moive from beta.guadec.org to
guadec.org keeping automatic redirects for those clicking on old urls
i.e. beta.guadec.org/about ---> guadec.org/about
qgil: Devin: ok
Devin: if u want to be away 'til i start working on it
Devin: u can send me ur cell number
Devin: and i can do a "lost" call
qgil: Devin: I'll be around anyway because I have other things to do
qgil: i.e. accommodation in vilanova info page  :)
qgil: but a break to have dinner wil be good, yes
bolsh: qgil: In general, in Europe, as you know, the printed price
includes VAT.
bolsh: So that would be €30, after tax
bolsh: And conferences in Spain probably have at least 15% VAT
qgil: Hum, we'll need to chek this
qgil: Devin: you go to conferences  :)  any idea?
qgil: bolsh: I'm asking because the registration has a checkout and an
email sent to you with all the details
qgil: we know accommodationd and meals have 7% VAT, but no idea about

qgil: ok, we'll investigate the VAT thing
qgil: but in the meantime let's agree the prices include VAT.
qgil: (can it be a 16%? no idea)
bolsh: qgil: Some things in France are at 19.6%
tavon: hey guys...
tavon: sorry for being late...
tavon: i've been sick and I just got up
qgil: hum, then maybe you simply should go back to the bed  :)
tavon: blah...
tavon: maybe.. i'm much better though
tavon: i'll be okay
qgil: tavon: from all the open  bugs you can pick just three and make
happy bolsh and me  :)
tavon: okay... :p
qgil: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=335256
bolsh: :)
qgil: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336202
***bolsh has been browsing Drupal snippets
qgil: (these two make bolsh happy)
bolsh: http://drupal.org/node/4587
bolsh: http://drupal.org/node/34162
qgil: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336025 (this one makes
me happy)
bolsh: http://drupal.org/node/33462
bolsh: But I don't really know how to use the snippets
tavon: bolsh: you can create a block. it gives you 3 different styles 1)
filtered html, 2) php code 3) full html.  you need to selected 2) php
code after you copy and paste the php snippets from drupal.org
qgil: tavon: any question about these three bugs?
qgil: it would be good to have them clear now so you can go ahead
tavon: qgil: not really
tavon: qgil: did you turn on caching?
qgil: no
tavon: qgil: when working with themes we need to keep caching off.  or
at least turn it off then and back on, b/c caching will keep the
frontpage in memory/db instead show the updated version
qgil: tavon: cache is disabled in settings right now and these days
tavon: qgil: the fluendo logo issue might have to do with the theme
tavon: qgil: I might have copy and pasted the block html code from the
last frontpage instead of have it update dynamiacally
tavon: ie. it's hard coded
qgil: tavon: this is what I imagined
qgil: about the footerm, is it hardcoded too?
tavon: tavon: the database on the site and my copy on my machine is out
of sync and the block CSS id's are different
qgil: ther biug one, I mean
tavon: qgil: yes
qgil: tavon: of for now, but it's not good practice
qgil: I mean, ok for now  :)
tavon: qgil: about the footer, unless i create a new module, it's not
easy to provide a textarea to add content to the footer
tavon: qgil: i know :/
qgil: the textarea in settings can't do the work?
qgil: tavon: for the footer I mean
tavon: qgil: well... it does work
tavon: qgil: i'll use that for not then\
tavon: now then
qgil: anyway, all this are small details
tavon: qgil: did we get teh registration code up yet?
qgil: apart from this 3 bugs I see anoither issue that wil come when we
start introducing the new sponsoirs to come:
qgil: how you put 3 gold and 5 silver or so with the current design
qgil: ask Devin about registration
tavon: qgil: the 3 gold 5 silver can be rearranged to horizontally if needed
tavon: better yet
qgil:  about tregistration see current statuisd at
qgil: the idea is to finish it tonight
tavon: we can move the "if you register you can.." above one of the news
listing and have the sponsors use up the whole right column
qgil: this would be good
qgil: the golkd should appear at least
qgil: in the default screen, without scrolling
qgil: in fact, the You Can can  go below
qgil: since people looking for "what can I do" can scroll
tavon: qgil: okay
qgil: this way the users just hitting the homepage to see what's new get
everything without searching much
qgil: question: did you design the banner?
tavon: qgil: it's mroe like a place holder
tavon: qgil: anybody is welcome to create a few more banners to sprinkle
around the site
bolsh: Night all
tavon: bolsh: nite
qgil: but did you design the banner? It really cool
bolsh: tavon: I added a latest stories block, but it doesn't work
qgil: bolsh, nite
tavon: bolsh: did you enable it?
tavon: qgil: yes, I did design it
bolsh: tavon: Yes, at one stage I saw the header, but not the stories
bolsh left the room (quit: bolsh).
tavon: bolsh: don't delete teh block, I"ll take a look at it and figure
out the problem
qgil: tavon: more questions about the bugs, I'll need to go for dinner
before coming back a 00.00 to work with Devin in the registrations
tavon: I'll online for the next 2 hours
tavon: then I'll be moving to a cafe and working from there
qgil: ok, I'll be back sooner
tavon: from 7:00pm to 9:30pm
tavon: okay
***tavon starts working on the bugs

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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