[guadec-list] OLPC press release.

Here is the first draft of the OLPC press release.  I had to wait for the 
mailing lists to come back online to resend.  *sigh*

One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to research and develop a $100 laptop so that every child in the world will have the ability to explore, experiment and express themselves.  The project initially announced by Nicholas Negroponte, director of MIT Media Laboratory at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2005, will soon be starting major deployments.  Deployments of 5-10 million laptops are expected world-wide in 2007 and several times that number in 2008. 

Jim Gettys, Vice President of Software Engineering will be speaking at GUADEC, on the OLPC project and it's subsequent deployment throughout the world and what others can do to help out in the effort.  Jim Gettys in addition to his position on the OLPC board is known as of the principle authors of the X Window System, the windowing system used today by all flavours of Unix(tm) and GNU/Linux.

GUADEC is the premier conference for the GNOME desktop held in Europe every year.  Users, developers, and companies interested in collaborating and developing for GNOME will gather to educate each other on new technologies they've developed and old ones that could be improved.  Join us in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain and take part in the excitement and energy of GUADEC from 23rd - 30th of June and learn about OLPC and GNOME.

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