New version of the schedule


	after hearing your suggestions and comments, I've made some changes to
the schedule. These are the major points:

	* BOFs have been put on Friday (from 18:00 - 19:30). I've programmed
three BOFs that could handle three different topics in order to get
hackers distributed among them (and avoiding having 200 at the same time
as Havoc said).

	In the meantime, in the hall we'll have two talks in Spanish, so users
will have their conference and hackers will not have to worry about
talks they're missing.

	* 30 min breaks have been scheduled every two hours

	* Presentations start at 10:30 and end at 19:30. The first day we'll
begin 45 min earlier (we should be fresh by then) and the last day we'll
finish a little later, because of the closure ceremony.

	* I've tried that tutorials going at the same time have a different
target audience.

	* Michael's talk on Bonobo is not a keynote anymore, but has been put
as one of the important talks on Saturday.

	comments, suggestions and ideas are welcome.

		regards, Gregorio

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