Re: Support service

On Mon, 14 Feb 2022, 19:50 David Gasa i Castell via gtkmm-list, <gtkmm-list gnome org> wrote:
Dear project team,

I write you to say that it doesn't work.

This is a useless statement. Nobody can help something so vague, what does "doesn't work" mean?

I've been using Gtkmm libraries since 2.x (even if some refactorings and changes were made thereafter) but I still need your help.

Having a reference helps but it's not enough.

When I submitted questions directly to the project programmers, they pointed me to submit in a list...

That's how open source projects usually work. People work on them for free, but they don't want strangers contacting them directly expecting support. The mailing list is the right way to seek help.

but a list that nobody has the responsibility to answer in an appropriate manner... does not help, either. Silence does not help.

I'd like to know, if possible, why some of my questions (and other users' as well), if so, are not properly answered and how to solve it.

Make sure you are asking good questions.

I should ask you to improve the support.

Is it possible to create a payment subscription quotes or on demand service in order to receive assistance ?

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