Re: prepare_create_table wrapping - part2

Dear Kjell.

There is no open bug. I should probably explain how it started. I have
personal interests in using libgdamm. I found that simple process of
creating tables was missed in libgdamm. However, in libgda those
methods were available. I had two options: 1) make my own version of
methods to create a table or 2) help community and add those methods to
libgdamm. Initial problem with implementation was with understanding
how implementation (wrapping) works. Sorry, but not a lot of
documentation available. I naturally expected different behavior of
_CLASS_GENERIC methods and _WRAP_METHOD. In the process I learn
information that wasn't clearly available to me: class in class
wrapping. Wrapping non GObject based classes etc. To all that, I didn't
know internal policy in *mm projects. Does it make sense to write
classes in the mm module? How to wrap correctly C style struct to C++
class, or leave it as a struct. After I spent some time, played with
code, bugged you (sorry for that) I have already answers for majority
of the listed above questions but some of them still unclear. 

I will file a bug report for missing
methods to track all changes. 

And I agree with you comments. 


On Sun, 2017-05-14 at 19:28 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
This discussion is perhaps more suitable for a bug report. But if
had started with a libgdamm bug, I would not have found it. Anyway,
are some comments.

_WRAP_METHOD and many other _WRAP_* macros can only be used in a
with a _CLASS_* macro. In this patch it looks like 
ServerOperationCreateTableArg is not included within another class.
ought to be possible to use one of the _CLASS_* macros, perhaps 

cnc.operator->()->gobj()? Why not just cnc->gobj()?

Don't ServerOperationCreateTableArg's copy constructors leak memory? 
They assign to _parent several times.

Den 2017-05-13 kl. 18:42, skrev Pavlo Solntsev:
Dear Kjell.

Thank you so much for pointing on that. I have successfully
libgdamm. Could you please take a look for CreateTableArg class
implementation. Is it something we can stay with? I found that
_WRAP_METHOD doesn't work in this case.

On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 09:53 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
You have misspelt CreateTableArgTraits in some places
(CreateTableArgTriats), but not everywhere.

You can remove the CONVERSION()s to Glib::RefPtr<const
ServerOperationCreateTableArg> and
Glib::RefPtr<ServerOperationCreateTableArg>. I suppose they are
used, and therefore make no harm.

There may be other errors, I haven't studied your code in detail.


- Pavlo Solntsev

- Pavlo Solntsev
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