Re: Gio::SocketConnection to Gio::TlsClientConnection

Am 2015-02-09 09:56, schrieb Murray Cumming:
On Sat, 2015-02-07 at 11:58 +0100, Markus Kolb wrote:
m_p_connection =

You see what I am missing in giomm and is replaced now with a

I've just added that:

If you have a chance to test that, it would be helpful.

Ok. Thanks.
The testing is in queue.

First I need to get it run on MS Windows.
Do you know any up-to-date build of gtkmm for Windows?
I've tried to use the mingw-cross-gcc on Linux and therefore exists installable packages of gtkmm. Have used the cross-gcc a lot with other libraries and never had a problem. But with gtk(mm) the program crashes in libstdc++. So now I would try to build it native on Windows.
I've found the C-libraries but the found C++ bindings were bundled 2010.
Can I use the mingw-gtkmm-libs from the Linux packages in a Windows mingw-installation?
Should I give it a try?

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