Re: send a manual ceated signal to a window or widget

Hi all,

That's reasonable. In this case I've got the impression that Klaus is
trying to implement a workaround for shortcomings in goocanvas.
Goocanvas does not handle touch events properly, and Klaus wants to
"convert" touch events to button press events. Klaus, correct me if I'm
wrong. If I'm right, the shortcomings in goocanvas should be fixed. I
don't know much about goocanvas and goocanvasmm. It may be hard to do.

Yes, my need is actually to work around the missing implementation of
touch support in goocanvasmm. But resending maybe converted
signals/events can also help to fix bugs in the implementation. There is
a bug in goocanvas which makes goocanvas hard to use if you open a
dialog from a event send to a goocanvas item. There is something
mysterious in pointer grabbing which can not so easily fixed by other
workarounds. Sending a key release event manually helps here a lot.

I agree that wasting an interface with internals is not a good idea if
99% of all usecases could be covered by a well designed smaller
interface.  On the other hand I believe that a emit() function for a
signal/event should be part of a well designed interface, especially
because of the analogy of glib and libsigc++. From the users view a
single implementation for signal handling would be the smallest
interface :-) But I know the problem of historic implementations and
braking interfaces...

Actually going down on c level from c++ is a work around which is not
very easy for me. gtk is quite new to me and reading all the
glib/gtk/gtkmm and all related docs is a lot work. And there are a lot
of undocumented features which a user must use on this way.

So I give my voto for a emit() function :-)


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