ActionGroups and Glade

Hello all,

I have the following problem: I want to use glade to create a GUI which
happens to include some RadioActions. I create the Actions in an
ActionGroup and grouped them together using glade. The problem is that
the ActionGroup is not added to the MenuBar:

It is not possible to add the ActionGroup to the MenuBar using Glade.
The only possibility seems to be to create some RadioButtons and set
their "Related Action" to the corresponding RadioAction. However, this
is not only annoying to do, it also has the drawback that I am not able
to get the grouping of the RadioButtons right (they don't respect the
grouping of their RadioActions).

I also tried to add the ActionGroup to the MenuBar in C++ using a
UIManager. I think the following snippet makes my approach clear:

Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::UIManager> uiman = Gtk::UIManager::create();

However, this does not work either, maybe because the UIManager has no
connection to the created Window.

Does anyone know how I can get this to work?


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