Re: gstreamermm1.0 / glibmm - minor bug in

2013-07-27 15:41, Marcin Kolny skrev:
I'm working now on a gstreamermm1.0. Ofcourse, I'm using tools from glibmm - e.g. for generating enums. I found minor bug in script, I fixed it, and prepared a patch. But I don't know, where should I send this patch? Who is responsible for applying patches to glibmm?
Thanks for reply

Best regards,
Marcin Kolny

Preferably, you shall file a bug in Bugzilla,, product glibmm, component (???), and attach your patch to the bug. There is no tools or gmmproc component, which would have been suitable here, but it doesn't matter much. The choice of component is not important for glibmm and other mm packages.


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