Re: Storing cut/copy URIs into Gtk::Clipboard

Most of the reference documentation of gtkmm is copied from gtk+. The documentation of Gtk::Clipboard::set_can_store() is copied from gtk_clipboard_set_can_store(). It says This value is reset when the clipboard owner changes. That's cryptic. It means that your first call to Gtk::Clipboard::get() cancels the effect of set_can_store(). (Perhaps all calls to get() cancel the effect of set_can_store(), I'm not sure.)

It would be possible to add some less cryptic documentation to Gtk::Clipboard::set_can_store(), but it would be much better to have it added to the description of gtk_clipboard_set_can_store() in gtk+, and then copied to gtkmm.

Changing the unintuitive dependency between set() and set_can_store() might not be feasible. All running applications share the same clipboard. That imposes some restrictions on what can be done. If it's possible to change the dependency, it must be done in gtk+.


2013-07-26 13:19, Jiergir Ogoerg skrev:
While trying to provide you an example I found out by accident what's the problem: you must call clipboard->set_can_store() _after_ clipboard->set(targets, get_slot, clear_slot), which is not mentioned in the documentation and to me is a bug.

Now that I changed from:
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Clipboard> clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard::get();
clipboard->set(targets, slot_get, slot_clear);

Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Clipboard> clipboard = Gtk::Clipboard::get();
clipboard->set(targets, slot_get, slot_clear);

it works. Please either mention this in the gtkmm documentation, or (which is more appropriate) make the clipboard saving data not depend on this obscure and counter intuitive requirement.

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