Re: Storing cut/copy URIs into Gtk::Clipboard

On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 16:00 +0300, Jiergir Ogoerg wrote:

but I can't find in your answer how I can store in the clipboard URIs
to stay in the clipboard after the app quits, which is the whole point
of this thread (to me).

And yes, of course I won't store like 500MB of URIs, we're talking
common sense: my file browser cuts/copies a list of file paths stored
as URIs in the clipboard and
the user should be able to paste them into nautilus after he closes my
file browser.

I am simply suggesting that you store the URIs in the clipboard however
is appropriate, regardless of the issue of what happens when the app
closes, and then just call set_can_store() to fix that other problem.

If you've tried that and it doesn't work, maybe we can discuss that.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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