Re: keyboard events - for documentation

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Kjell Ahlstedt
<kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:
>> Searching a bit, I found these:
>> The python one says that the keyboard events work differently than
>> what I've thought...
> You have found an old version of the gtk+ tutorial. There's a newer one
> at But I don't think
> the section on event propagation has been updated.
> Two things surprise me with these descriptions:
> 1. It's said that all event signal handlers, connected to a certain
> widget, are called, regardless of the return values of previously called
> signal handlers on that widget. This contradicts what is said in the
> gtkmm tutorial, the "X Event signals" section.

I just did a little test, and it confirmed what is said on the "X
Event signals", when you return true (canceling the event), nothing
else is called, even if it is a function handler of the same widget.

> 2. An unhandled event signal is said to be propagated to the parent
> widget, apparently (although not explicitly stated) even if the parent
> widget has no GdkWindow of its own. Elsewhere it's said that only
> widgets with a GdkWindow receive event signals.
> See e.g. the gtkmm tutorial, the "Widgets Without X-Windows" section. It
> talks about X-Windows rather than GdkWindows, but unless I have
> misunderstood something, these kinds of windows are equivalent, at least
> as far as event signals are concerned.

I tried changing the Gtk::Grid for a Gtk::Box (which is on the list
there), and it still received the event.
To be honest, I don't really understand that chapter.

> In your example code you let the key_release_event signal propagate from
> the Gtk::Entry to the EventPropagation window, and not to the Entry's
> parent, the Gtk::Grid. Isn't that because the Grid (which has no
> Gdk::Window) does not receive the key_release_event signal?

If I add a function for the Grid, it receives the event through event
propagation (see the attachment).

>> > gtkmm-tutorial-in.xml is a DocBook file.
>> That sure is a big file :)
>> Ok, I'll look into it later.
> We can divide the work between us:
> - You fix the formatting of the source code.
> - I insert your description into gtkmm-tutorial-in.xml, perhaps with
> some modifications.

Ok, thanks.

>> If you could help with improving the description, I have some
>> difficulty in writing proper english :)
> English is not my native language. I will probably also make mistakes
> that irritate native speakers of English. But I can do my best, and then
> hopefully someone else will comment on our text.

Ok, lets do that then.

> Kjell

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