Re: keyboard events - for documentation


Events propagate to its parents, until you stop it or it reaches the top.
I don't remember where this is said in the documentation, but I've
seen this behaviour in other places (for example with html/javascript
in the web)...

Yes I know that it needs more work, but I'm not used to writing this
kind of stuff..
Where are the formatting rules explained?

Ohh, didn't know HBox was deprecated... I'll use Grid then.

Yes, I can try to do some of that, but there's some stuff (like the
rules, etc..) that I'm not familiar with.

Well, I think it would have to be a new chapter, since its a new topic.

Ok, I'll add to bugzilla when I update it.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Kjell Ahlstedt
<kjell ahlstedt bredband net> wrote:
> tor 2011-09-29 klockan 18:46 +0100 skrev lecas malecas:
>> Its alright, better late than never :)
> Hi again,
> Now I've tested your example programs and looked at your description in
> the .txt files. I think they can fit into the gtkmm tutorial after some
> rework. But I don't decide myself.
> The example on event propagation is especially interesting. I didn't
> know that unhandled events are propagated to the parent widget. Or is it
> the parent Gdk::Window? Is that described in gtkmm's or gtk+'s reference
> documentation? Where?
> I'm sure that you are aware that both the describing text and the source
> code need further work. The text must be formatted as the DocBook xml
> file gtkmm-tutorial-in.xml. The source code is not indented as
> recommended for gtkmm code, and also in other respects it ought to be
> more similar to the majority of the example programs in the tutorial.
> (Gtk::VBox and Gtk::HBox are deprecated. Shall be replaced by Gtk::Box
> or Gtk::Grid. Just to mention one detail.)
> Are you willing to do any of this work yourself?
> Where do you think this fits into the tutorial? A new chapter?
> I know that the tutorial says that new contributions shall be sent to
> the gtkmm mailing list, just as you've done. But I suggest that you file
> a bug in Bugzilla, and attach your zip file (Product: gtkmm; Component:
> documentation; Severity: enhancement).
> Kjell

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