Re: keyboard events - for documentation

On Fri, 2011-10-14 at 13:49 +0200, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
> tor 2011-10-13 klockan 19:50 +0100 skrev lecas malecas:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > Events propagate to its parents, until you stop it or it reaches the top.
> > I don't remember where this is said in the documentation, but I've
> > seen this behaviour in other places (for example with html/javascript
> > in the web)...
> > 
> > Yes I know that it needs more work, but I'm not used to writing this
> > kind of stuff..
> > Where are the formatting rules explained?
> I don't know. I also wonder. Does anyone know?
> There is a GNU coding standard at,
> but gtkmm code is not formatted as described there. I think gtk+ and the
> other C modules use that standard.
> Look at some of the other example programs in the gtkmm tutorial. Not
> all of them are perfect, but most of them are very good.

>From the C++ resources link of page there is a
coding style guide that leads to the following page:

I'm sure there are differences as to how code is formatted in gtkmm,
etc.  However, it also has pretty okay suggestions as to how code may be

I generally take these as suggestions and follow the coding style that
already exists in gtkmm, etc.

> A few rules:
>   if (a < b)
>     a++;  // Indented two spaces
>   else
>   { // Brace not indented
>     b++;
>     func1(a, b);
>   }
> Don't insert tab characters in the source code. (I don't think you have,
> so just keep not doing it.)
> This is my personal opinion, rather than a rule:
>   return !isOk();
> is much better than
>   if (isOK() == true)
>     return false;
>   else
>     return true;
> I know that you're not the only one that disagrees with me.
> gtkmm-tutorial-in.xml is a DocBook file. You can find everything about
> DocBook at, but I don't think you'll have to
> read it. Just copy and paste in the gtkmm-tutorial-in.xml file. I've
> used a simple text editor (gedit) when I've modified that file. There
> are probably better tools for that task, but gedit is good enough for
> me.
> > 
> > Ohh, didn't know HBox was deprecated... I'll use Grid then.
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, I can try to do some of that, but there's some stuff (like the
> > rules, etc..) that I'm not familiar with.
> I can help you, when it's getting too difficult, or too time-consuming.
> > 
> > Well, I think it would have to be a new chapter, since its a new topic.
> > 
> > Ok, I'll add to bugzilla when I update it.
> When you have filed your bug in Bugzilla, please post a short message to
> gtkmm-list.
> Kjell
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