Ok, I'm trying with the signal, but I get a lot of errors.
where's what I'm doing:
my class inherits from Gtk::Window.
then on the constructor I have,
this->signal_key_release_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this,
&AnimeWindow::onKeyRelease) );
(here, I don't know if I have to send an argument?..)
and then my function:
void AnimeWindow::onKeyRelease(GdkEventButton *event)
cout << "key" << endl;
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Yann LEYDIER <yann leydier info> wrote:
signal_key_release_event() seems the right way to do it. For the list of key
values, see gdk/gdkkeysyms.h as stated in Gtk's documentation :
You could also derivate your class from Gtk::Dialog, which recieves a
response when ESC is pressed.
On 25/08/11 21:00, lecas malecas wrote:
Hey, I have a window which I want to close when the esc key is
pressed, I've tried overriding the "virtual bool on_key_release_event
(GdkEventKey* event); " but I get some weird errors (also can't find
the documentation about GdkEventKey, to identify the keys). I tried
adding a function to the "signal_key_release_event()" but also get
some errors :)
Can anyone tell me how to call a function when the esc key is pressed
(on a Gtk::Window derived class)?
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