Re: Strange problem: Gtkmm + Ogre3D eating widget and menu text

Ok I partially solved it, the code I posted first does actually work, it just doesn't work with DirectX as 3D renderer on windows, but it works fine with OpenGL. DirectX doesn't work with socket and plugs either. Same thing,
all widget text disappears.

I have somewhere found a post on saying that DirectX would mess up Cairo? But no answers to that. So is it actually possible to embed a Direct3D window into Gtk(mm) or is that a hopeless case? Googling for it
brings a very thin close to no response.

Thanks in advance,


Nauk Arbeshk wrote:
Thank you Andreas, this looks like it could be working providing a more sandbox like environment for Ogre. And yes maybe I should have added the code as attachment, I
didn't really think about it first time posting on a mailing-list.


Andreas Bauer wrote:
It's a lot of code and I haven't checked its details, but one thing
seems apparent to me: you're not using a Socket to embedd Ogre into
gtk(mm).  OgreWidget is simply a Widget in your case.  Have you tried
making it a Socket?

This issue arises frequently when people try to embedd other
applications into GTK, see, for instance:

Hope this helps,


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