Re: Removing widgets in the main loop from another thread

Because your arrangement doesn't on the face of it make sense, there
is probably more to it than at first appears.  I therefore just make
three points which may or may not be relevant to your question:

1. You cannot (without great difficulty) have different Gtk::Window
objects created and/or destroyed in different threads.  If it is
possible at all, you will need to use the GDK global thread lock, which
makes the use of Glib::Dispatcher redundant.  You may also need to have
two main loop objects, one for each thread (from your description it is
impossible to say).
Well, i'll try to describe a little clearer what i'd like to accomplish:

I'm trying to write an user interface extension to an existing application (pure data) . The application itself is written in tcl/tk. It's native interface is very simple and basically consists of objects on a canvas which can be connected via wires to interact wich each other. I would see it as an advantage to be able to write UI widgets using a more modern framework like gtkmm for the application.

My approach to this is the following:

1. The central object is a native tcl/tk object which can be placed on the applications tcl/tk canvas. Upon it's creation, it creates a singleton ProxyClass which holds the Gtk::Window and runs it in a separate thread, so the 2 guis can run in paralell.

2. All widgets that can be placed into my Gtk::Window, will also be created by a native tcl/tk object placed on the applications canvas. When the object is created, it gets the singleton instance of the proxy class to the Gtk:Window, creates the native Gtk::Widget and passes it to the addWidget(Gtk::Widget *widget) method in the Gtk::Window using the glib::dispatcher.

When the tcl/tk object - holding a pointer to the gtk::widget inside the main window - is destroyed, it again calls the main window
using a glib dispatcher to remove the widget from the main window.

As i'm not that familiar with inter-thread communication, i'd be glad for any feedback if the this approach seems usable, or
probably a terrible design choice over all...

I hope my description is understandable ;)

thanks for your help!


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