mm-common 0.6 released

mm-common 0.6 "Slash" is now available for download at:

MD5 sums:
0a7e7033a563adb22f410233931195fc  mm-common-0.6.tar.bz2
492c6f045f9882e677382e09a48968e4  mm-common-0.6.tar.gz

SHA1 sums:
c6e1320c66a9f16f696eb8a96df2b2ac3fa49f43  mm-common-0.6.tar.bz2
f4d79e77bd404a42f2a918d352a2ae7cd8e1a433  mm-common-0.6.tar.gz

To slash or not to slash? This release is all about slashes.

* The external documentation magic now pleases both Doxygen
  and no more double slashes or accidentally
  concatenated words.
* Absolute local paths are converted to file:// URIs for the
  XML and HTML documentation output.
* The documentation generation is disabled automatically if the
  utilities required to build it are missing at configure time.
* Add checks for GNU make and Perl.


* This is neither a stable release nor a development release,
  but a base module for developing C++ bindings.

* There is no GNOME Bugzilla component for mm-common yet.  For now,
  bugs should be reported to the gtkmm-list gnome org mailing list.

About mm-common

The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities
shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries.  It is only a required
dependency for building the C++ bindings from the version
control repository.  An installation of mm-common is not required for
building tarball releases, unless configured to use maintainer-mode.

Release archives of mm-common include the Doxygen tag file for the
GNU C++ Library reference documentation.  It is covered by the same
license as the source code it was extracted from.  More information
is available at <>.

More information about the GNOME C++ bindings is available at:

August 24, 2009
Daniel Elstner

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