Help required regarding libgdamm

I am using (read, trying to use) libgdamm-4.0 on Debian Sid, using
builds from souce tarballs.
I came up against a problem that I am currently unable to solve.

Problem is that I want to have a handle to a DataSelect object.
Connection::statement_execute_select() gives me a pointer to
DataModel. From here, how do I get a pointer to DataSelect?

I have a hackish solution:
1) Get GObject from DataModel.
2) Convert to GdaDataSelect using GDA_DATA_SELECT() macro
3) use wrap() to get DataSelect

But, is there a better( elegant) way to do this? Typically an existing
visitor, or a type conversion
function... Or am I going the wrong direction? (libgda seemed to show
something similar in ).

Any pointer to the correct approach would be highly appreciated.


Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an
agent of chaos. Oh and you know the thing about chaos, it's fair.

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