Re: gtkmm on Windows: Last steps

> > > > 1.2
> > > > I thought that applications would find the DLLs because they are in the
> > > > same directory. Why is something in the PATH environment variable also
> > > > needed? I don't understand why MS Visual Studio would need it either if
> > > > we are using these "property pages".
> > > 
> > > MSVC++ does not need it to build stuff, but to run or debug from within
> > > the IDE. I'm not sure whether there is an option in MSVC++ to extend the
> > > DLL search path that the property pages could set, but I'll check.
> > 
> > That sounds rather strange. Please do check. It would be nice to remove
> > the PATH change if possible.

I checked. I was wrong. When running out of the IDE, the PATH variable
doesn't need to be set to the gtkmm DLL directory. It's only required
when running it outside the IDE. But I really do wonder how MSVC++ finds
the correct DLL search path.

So if we want to avoid the PATH change, should we just drop the runtime
installer? Or, should we only set the PATH variable in the runtime
installer, but not in the development one, without further asking the


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