Re: Completed what I can in gstreamermm

Murray Cumming wrote:
I'm also wondering why you chose to make get_int(), get_uint(), etc,
provide a Glib::ValueBase instead of an int, uint, etc. Likewise for
set_value() which just takes a ValueBase instead of having method
overloads for int, uint, etc.

Is that useful somehow? It seems awkward to use that API.

I was thinking about this yesterday and once more, I misunderstood the API (I remember seeing a TODO which I misunderstood to this effect). Truthfully, as you say, it is more cumbersome than useful. These can be fixed and if you don't get around to it, I will in the near future.

José Alburquerque
jaalburquerque cox net

The path to real wisdom begins with a deep loving respect for the ever living God (Prov. 1:7)

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