fullscreen acting funny...

I have been working on this app for quite some time, and most of the development has been in fullscreen. Everything was fine until...

Yesterday, I hooked up a KVM switch to work on an issue with the VNC viewer in my app. The KVM caused my monitor to give me a lesser resolution, I didn't check to see what that resolution is. Now that the KVM is gone, I am back to 1920x1200, but something odd has happened. Now my fullscreen height is chopped off at about the same place it was when I had the lower resolution. The width is OK, just the height is messed up. When I query the screen geometry with:

Gdk::Rectangle rect;
Gdk::Screen::get_default()->get_monitor_geometry(0, rect);
std::cerr << "Monitor geometry is " << rect.get_width() << "x" << rect.get_height() << std::endl;

I get the correct dimensions, 1920x1200. If I run the app in not-fullscreen and mainWindow->set_size_request(1920, 1200), then the window expands to take up the whole screen, tucking under the menu bar on the top and the "systray" (or whatever you wanna call it) on the bottom.

Anybody know what's going on here?

Thank you for your help,

R Stoddard

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