Re: unable to print with gtkmm 2.12

On 2/28/08, Helfer Thomas <helferthomas free fr> wrote:
> I am a new gtkmm user. I am writting a small plot widget as a way of
>  learning gtkmm. This widget now works fairly well. By the way, I am
>  gratefull to gtkmm developpers for their work.
>  Plotting is directly made on a cairo context which I now want to print.
>  I have read the printing chapter in the 'programming with gtkmm' book
>  and try to apply it. As you have understood, I didn't manage to get it
>  work. However, I have got the same problems with the 'advanced printing'
>  example of the book. The print operation goes into an infinite loop
>  showing this message on the terminal :
>  (plot:15658): GLib-GObject-WARNING
>  **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/gobject/gsignal.c:2180: invalid object
>  type `
>  The fact that the example of the book does not work either suggest a bug
>  in gtkmm. Is it the case ?

It is possible that there is a bug in gtkmm.  I think there have been
other people who have mentioned difficulties with printing in the past
and I have not gotten around to looking into them.  I'm not sure how
well-tested the printing support is in gtkmm.  If you file a bug it
will be much less likely to get forgotten.


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