Re: Gtk::AboutDialog

Did you try the modal / not modal setting?

What happens if you "run()" the dialog?

Does the 'delete window' (the right upper X) work?

Could you strip down your glade file to just the AboutDialog and attach it? We 
then could try it.

I recently did several about dialogs, never encountered a problem 
with 'close'.

Which GTK version are you using?

With regard to the URL: you need to add your own "lauch method" with 
set_url_hook (const SlotActivateLink& slot), and yes, that is a bit  
painful... :-)

There is a (C) example in glade3-3.x.x/src/glade-window.c:        


Am Mittwoch 30 April 2008 21:48:46 schrieb Andreas Volz:
> Another problem is that my url is displayed blue, underlined and
> clickable in glade, but as plain label while executing it.

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