Re: GStreamermm Video

Mihai Niculescu wrote:

I want to write a simple web camera application using GTKmm and
GStreamermm. I want the video stream to output in a Gtk::DrawingArea, so
that I can draw graphics with Cairo and analyze the pixels from the
video output (for example: intensity histrograms).
I looked at the Gstreamermm API and didn't find any solution to output
the video stream in a Gtk::DrawingArea or other Gtk object.
Can help me, please?

It took a while to get back to this e-mail, but there's now a media player example in gstreamermm svn that demonstrates how to embed video from gstreamer into a Gtk::DrawingArea using the gstreamermm API. There's still some things not yet wrapped (and I think gstreamermm is still ways before it is fully usable), but at least this is now doable. I should also say that the example has been available for a couple of weeks, but I wanted a few other things to be complete before mentioning this.

José Alburquerque
jaalburquerque cox net

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