Re: <gstmm.h> include errors

Murray Cumming wrote:
This is likely to need the new gmmproc/glibmm support for calling wrap()
on GInterface-implementations where those specific implementation
classes are not known (registered) to wrap().

Make sure you are using the latest version of glibmm and rebuilding your
files by touching all .hg files, so you use that latest version of

Umm..Should the glibmm in svn work? I installed that version and rebuilt gstreamermm and tested it and it didn't make a difference. Since I'm new at working with gmmproc, I'm sure I may not be understanding everything, but I thought I should point this out.

What I found is that changing the "dynamic_cast<Gst::Element*>" to a "reinterpret_cast<Gst::Element*>" in Gst::wrap(GstElement*,bool) (in gstmm/ makes things work on this system. I'm providing all the information I have just to shed as much light on what's happening as possible to make things easier to fix. I hope this is fine.


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