Re: sigc not sending 'c'

Thanks much for making this test. I should have said that the widget is DrawingArea. The context is VPython where until the new beta version (see "Recent developments" at we were using gtk1 but are now using gtk2 to create a window and a DrawingArea widget used for OpenGL 3D displays. Keyboard input isn't used much with VPython, so the missing 'c' wasn't immediately noticed.

I should also clarify possible ambiguity in my original note. I don't receive 'c' with either the one-argument version of connect or the two-argument version (with the second argument "false").


Naveen Verma wrote:

    On two different laptops running Ubuntu and using sigc 2.0, I have the
    bizarre situation that all keypresses generate events except
    'c' (shift-c does generate an event, as do alt-c, ctrl-c, and
    ctrl-alt-c). Here is the connect statement (and the keypress handler
    returns true):

             sigc::mem_fun( *this, &display::on_key_pressed));

    Though I couldn't find any documentation on an optional second argument,
    I did find a note from someone who added a second argument, "false", as
    shown below (and then returned true from the keypress handler,
    supposedly to alert sigc not to do any more processing):

             sigc::mem_fun( *this, &display::on_key_pressed), false);

I haven't a clue what to try to fix the problem. Any ideas?

I have tried to test it by connecting the key press event with a button, and it works properly. I tried to print the character also, and it prints c, C and all other characters as I press. Well I just connect like:

button_.signal_key_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fuc(*this, &TestWindow::handleKeyPress));

I am using sigc++2.0.

With which widget you a connecting the event?


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