Re: sigc not sending 'c'


Obizarre situation that all keypresses generate events except lower-case
'c' (shift-c does generate an event, as do alt-c, ctrl-c, and
ctrl-alt-c). Here is the connect statement (and the keypress handler
returns true):

         sigc::mem_fun( *this, &display::on_key_pressed));

Though I couldn't find any documentation on an optional second argument,
I did find a note from someone who added a second argument, "false", as
shown below (and then returned true from the keypress handler,
supposedly to alert sigc not to do any more processing):

         sigc::mem_fun( *this, &display::on_key_pressed), false);

I haven't a clue what to try to fix the problem. Any ideas?

I have tried to test it by connecting the key press event with a button, and it works properly. I tried to print the character also, and it prints c, C and all other characters as I press. Well I just connect like:

 button_.signal_key_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fuc(*this, &TestWindow::handleKeyPress));

I am using sigc++2.0.

With which widget you a connecting the event?

Bruce Sherwood


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On two different laptops running Ubuntu and using sigc 2.0, I have the

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