Re: How to make a simple selector item

On 2/24/07, Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> wrote:
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007, Ole Laursen <olau hardworking dk> wrote :
>Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> writes:
>>According to the Gtkmm
>> documentation, there is a ListViewText class, which simplifies things a
>> bit. However, it does not exist in my installation (Gentoo, fully
>> updated).
>You could unmask the newest version, that's probably easier than
>fighting with the TreeView itself:
I could, but since the documentation suggests that ListViewText was in
2.4 I hadn't expected upgrading from 2.8 to 2.10 to make a difference.
Or have I misread things?

This is a very common mis-understanding.  The 2.4 you see is actually
part of the library name and indicates the API/ABI version.
Basically, the API/ABI of gtkmm was broken between version 2.2 and
2.4, but hasn't been broken since then, so all new releases are
backwards compatible with the 2.4 release.  And the ListViewText was
added in gtkmm-2.4 version 2.10.  Does that make sense?  I know it's
rather confusing, but gtkmm (and other gnome platform libraries) tend
to add an api version number to their name when API breaks so that
they can be installed in parallell.  Gtk+ also does this, but hasn't
broken API since 2.0, so the newest version of GTK is called gtk+-2.0
version 2.10.x.

So this is all to say that if you install version 2.10, you should be
able to use Gtk::ListViewText. Hope that helps.


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