Re: goocanvasmm status

On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 00:04 -0600, Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
> I'm just curious about the current status of libgoocanvasmm.
> I notice that there's still a modified copy of goocanvas in the
> subversion repository for goocanvasmm
> (, which is apparently a
> patched version of goocanvas 0.4.

I recently updated libgoocanvasmm to build against the latest goocanvas,
after goocanvas made some major API changes. I ignored the copy of
goocanvas that is in the libgoocanvasmm repository. The maintainer gave
me write access.

Someone needs to wrap the remaining new classes and methods. Rasmus
Toftdahl Olesen (CCed) expressed an interest in doing that, but he would
probably like help,

>   There is now a 0.6 version of
> goocanvas that was recently released.  Are all of the patches required
> in upstream goocanvas now?  can we purge that from the goocanvasmm
> repository now?

Do you know what those patches were? I have no idea.

> Has anybody attempted to build or update goocanvasmm for 0.5 or 0.6?
> I'm thinking about playing around with a canvas, so I was looking at
> goocanvasmm, but I can't make much sense of where it's at right now.
Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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