Re: Text Entry Box - text alignment

I am currently porting an existing tool to be platform independent, so in order to keep the same look and feel, I would like to use a Text Entry box.  If it ends up that I can't do what needs to be done with the text box, than I will switch over to the  FileChooserButton.  Also, after searching for a while to find a way to align the text (when it is longer than the text entry can display) and not being able to find anything in gtkmm, I am kind of curious to hear if there is solution I am missing:)

Thank you,


"Jonathon Jongsma" <jonathon jongsma gmail com>

02/20/2007 11:06 AM

"Michael Fasolino" <Michael_Fasolino raytheon com>
gtkmm-list gnome org
Re: Text Entry Box - text alignment

On 2/20/07, Michael Fasolino <Michael_Fasolino raytheon com> wrote:
> All,
>  I am using a Text Entry box (GtkEntry), and am trying to find a way to
> align the text in such a way that when the text is longer than the entry box
> can display, it will display the last part of the text and not the first.
>  Specifically, I am allowing the user to enter in a file name (with path).
> I also have a button to allow the user to create the "next" output file
> (which adds an index to the existing file name).  My problem is that when I
> hit the "Next" button the alignment of the text in the Entry Box slides to
> the beginning of the file name, and thus all I am able to see is the
> directory structure and not the file name.
>  It seemed alining the text so the last part would be visible should be
> possible, but I could not find how to do it anywhere in the documentation...
> Is there something that I am missing?
>  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Would you be able to use FileChooserButton?  Or do you need it to be a
text entry?  FileChooserButton just shows the filename portion by
default, and I believe it was designed specifically for this sort of a

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